Field Day at Yanget August 2021
If we all ate food grown in biologically rich soil, how would this affect our lives, our communities and the natural systems that sustain us? As Amanda discovered, to approach this question a whole-of-landscape and a whole bodymind approach is required.
The human heart nestles within the economic and environmental incentives driving an emerging carbon economy. We humans are being dragged kicking and screaming into a quantum world to grapple with the complexity we must embrace, in order to survive.
Amanda creates a rich, organic brew that is biodiverse, funny and full of unexpected synergies, to create her own vision of earthly wellness.
Tune in and listen on….
In the middle of February, I had two wonderful days in Dandaragan, WA talking about Regenerative Agriculture with the Soil Farming Restoration crew and attendant farmers and agricultural workers. Dr Christine Jones worked her magic on Day 1 with an in-depth look at soil flora and fauna, above and below ground. On Day 2 farmers and supporters met to nut out ways to get the best from their soils in the face of new understanding about the magic of soil biology and a whole systems approach to farming.