If we all ate food grown in biologically rich soil, how would this affect our lives, our communities and the natural systems that sustain us? As Amanda discovered, to approach this question a whole-of-landscape and a whole bodymind approach is required.
The human heart nestles within the economic and environmental incentives driving an emerging carbon economy. We humans are being dragged kicking and screaming into a quantum world to grapple with the complexity we must embrace, in order to survive.
Amanda creates a rich, organic brew that is biodiverse, funny and full of unexpected synergies, to create her own vision of earthly wellness.
Tune in and listen on….
A garden in Geraldton
Soil and human Health is a rich brew of spoken words, text and images that has its roots in the fertile ground of contemporary Agriculture. Funny and full of unexpected synergies, it points to a highly relatable vision of earthly wellness.
Amanda asks, how do people change? And captures breakthrough moments where people move away from a mechanistic, industrial mindset towards more holistic systems of land management. She understands that we are facing a spiritual crisis and aims to be one of the many breathing life into Charles Eisenstein’s prophetic words: that there is a more beautiful world we all know is possible.
Soil and Human Health examines the inflauences currently unfolding in the regenerative spaces of rural and urban WA; positioning Agriculture where it belongs, at the heart of debates raging around aspects of nutrition and wellbeing.
Soil and Human Health synthesises voices that support regenerative agriculture, holistic management and Indigenous knowledge systems in their search for ecological and human health. Amanda is aligned with: farmers, pastoralists, carbon project developers, trainers, first nations workers, shepherds, soil scientists, health practitioners, food distributors, geomancers and land rehydration experts.
She keeps listeners up-to-date with what’s brewing across regional WA and beyond, creating a rich, nutritious brew of words that keep new and ancient stories alive, weaving their magic through contemporary culture.